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«Провели линию»: крупнейшая мировая компания «грузит» Приморье

«Провели линию»: крупнейшая мировая компания «грузит» Приморье

Одна из крупнейших в мире компаний по морским грузоперевозкам Maersk может увеличить отправки по железной дороге России, нарастив частоту контейнерного поезда AE19 из Азии в Европу до ежедневной. Объем транзитных перевозок компании через Находку в Петербург по итогам 2021 года может достигнуть 14 тыс. TEU, сервис востребован на фоне сохраняющихся высоких ставок фрахта, отмечают аналитики.

С момента запуска транзитного маршрута АЕ19 летом 2019 года датская Maersk, транспортно-экспедиторская компания «Модуль» и Global Ports перевезли 10,7 тыс. TEU грузов из Азии в Европу и обратно, сообщили на пресс-конференции представители компаний. За первое полугодие 2021 года объем перевозок вырос в 5,5 раза и составил 6,2 тыс. TEU. По итогам года Maersk планирует перевезти 12–14 тыс. TEU, прогнозируя дальнейшее увеличение грузопотока в последующие годы. С ноября 2020 года частота отправления поездов уже была увеличена до четырех раз в неделю.

Номенклатуру грузов формируют техника, электроника, автокомплектующие, в том числе аккумуляторные батареи для европейских заводов по производству электромобилей, а также потребительские товары. Сервис обеспечивает доставку грузов из Азии в Европу, минуя Суэцкий канал через порты Восточный и Санкт-Петербург с железнодорожным плечом через Транссиб. Сквозное время доставки по АЕ19 составляет 25–30 суток, перевозка между российскими портами — 12 суток. Сначала грузы доставляются на каботажных судах из азиатских портов Кореи, Японии, Китая и Тайваня в порт Находка. Далее партии грузов перегружаются на железнодорожный транспорт и следуют через территорию РФ в Санкт-Петербург, откуда отправляются в Польшу, Германию, Голландию и Финляндию. На фоне дефицита контейнеров в мире и инцидента в Суэцком канале на маршруте АЕ19 добавилось регулярное отправление товаров из Японии в Великобританию, рассказал генеральный директор «Maersk Восточная Европа» Жолт Катона.

Основная загрузка контейнеров формируется на направлении из Азии в Европу, но Maersk рассчитывает нарастить грузопоток в обратном направлении, учитывая, что правительство РФ внесло морские пункты пропуска в перечень объектов, через которые разрешен транзит санкционных грузов через территорию России, пояснил господин Катона. Это позволит везти из Европы санкционные продукты, рыбу и мясо, увеличив количество поездов из Петербурга на Дальний Восток до 2–3 раз в неделю, добавил он.

Транзитный путь через Россию — это основной канал поставок товаров и компонентов из Азии в Европу, из-за чего спрос высок и постоянен. Динамика транзитных железнодорожных перевозок объясняется резко выросшими ставками фрахта — почти в десять раз с 2020 года, говорит начальник аналитического отдела ИК «ЛМС» Дмитрий Кумановский. В итоге перевозки железной дорогой стали дешевле на 20% и быстрее в два раза, отмечает он.

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«Провели линию»: крупнейшая мировая компания «грузит» Приморье
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Asia | US news digest. 16 July

Another historical record and escalated madness. When shooting for high rates does not guarantee landing among the stars.

Breaking: The Shanghai Containerized Freight Index has crossed the 4,000 point for the first time, which accounts for a quadruple of its historical average while liners firmly set on course to record their most profitable year in history. Additional forecasts also predict new records in upcoming profits amounting to $80 bn instead of the initial $35 bn. In the light of the approaching peak season, the demand for ocean freight continues to outstrip supply, pushing Asia-North Europe rates further up. Hapag Lloyd and CMA CGM have already announced new charges from several Asia regions to various destinations all over the world.  Hapag Lloyd will first implement an of US$300 per standard TEU and US$600 per standard and high cube FEU, while  CMA CGM will apply a Peak Season Surcharge of US$1,000/TEU of dry cargo traveling from India to North Europe and some other destinations. In addition to insane FAK rates, ocean carriers are loading up huge surchargesjustifying it by the good ol’ increased demand. However, the chosen strategy is quick to backfire – some clients had been obliged to start a redundancy process, as they could no longer get the product to their business at a viable price. This madness will have to stop at some point for the sake of avoiding a collapse. Especially with the following dynamic – Asia-North Europe spot freight rates have already passed the US$13,000/FEU mark.

At the same time, South Korea-China container rates are bucking the global trend of upward freight movements in the light of falling exports from South Korea to China. In turn, this increases downward pressure on charges. The figures do not look promising with South Korean export going down 5% year-on-year in May for the first time in five months. 

Another misfortune that has hit shippers recently is a temporary halt of international container shipment from all west coast ports to Chicago by the railroad operator Union Pacific. It is due to working off the backlog of its Global IV terminal while freeing up railcar assets to support import-loading needs on the West Coast. Chicago remains the biggest onward destination, thus for shippers, it is extremely important to come up with alternatives as soon as possible. 

Regarding US imports, no slowdown in imports is in sight. Ports across the country are reporting record-breaking TEU traffic. The Port of Los Angeles alone stands at 5,427,359 TEU, an increase of 44% compared to the one of last year. However, the port is also bracing up for July and August, claiming the two months to be the strongest for volumes especially since the aftereffects of Yantian are still present. South Carolina Ports also demonstrate the strongest fiscal year on record for containers – it handled 2.55 million TEU at Wando Welch Terminal. Despite the growth, supply chain obstacles persist, so the government has to consider more active measures and careful planning for the future using sustained leadership and collaboration as the leading principles.

When the situation seems to become uncontrollable, it is time to take a driver’s seat. At least, this is what Maersk believes. The industry giant is going to redesign its ocean network in West and Central Asia. The network will be reworked with the stream of new services amid to improve speed to market, provide higher predictability, and offer flexibility to the supply chain. Meanwhile, COSCO still advocates for the expansion approach as the best strategy and orders 10 container ships for nearly $1.5 bn as part of a drive to increase efficiency and cut transportation costs. In general, how can liners find more capacity in such a challenging context without adding ships? Data shows that the answer is in the increased speed. Container ships are moving faster despite the fuel consumption. The helping hand is also the schedules that are already so far behind that faster speeds can help carriers chip away at congestion-induced capacity losses over time. The schedule reliability is expected to remain disrupted for much longer with the new Covid restrictions in manufacturing and logistics in South-East Asia. As a result, it will put significant strain on semiconductor production, serious given the global supply shortage. 

As for the green development, although the EC Fit For 55 Green Deal policy revision proposals have been welcomed, road and maritime transport sectors voice their concerns. They are against combining energy taxation with emissions trading because it would mean that commercial road transport operators would pay twice for emissions. The industry players see this approach as unfair and call for reconsideration. 

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Asia | US news digest. 16 July
Colibri Shipping Logistics

OOO «Colibri Shipping Logistics» выражает свое почтение, и настоящим предлагает свои услуги в организации авто и мультимодальных перевозок.

За период своей деятельности наша компания положительно зарекомендовала себя как надежного и ответственного партнера, обеспечивающего своевременные и качественные услуги по международным и внутренним грузоперевозкам.

Компания укомплектована высококвалифицированными специалистами, которые обеспечивают своевременную, качественную доставку грузов в самые кратчайшие сроки и по самым гибким тарифам в любую точку мира с применением всех видов грузового транспорта.

Наша компания готова рассмотреть любой ваш запрос, касающийся грузоперевозок по таким направлениям как страны СНГ, Европа, Турция, Китай и внутренние перевозки по Республике. Надеемся на дальнейшее сотрудничество и продуктивную работу.

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EU | UK news digest. 16 July

To comply or not to comply with the high rates? This is a question that has become not a matter of choice, but a decision forced on hauliers by shipping lines to accept the rates and the sale of driver services as a product one can buy off a haulage market. Being severely underpaid and pressured by the pandemic and Brexit, workers are now looking for more attractive alternatives such as warehouses and supermarkets. If the policy regarding payments does not change, the drivers’ labor market risks drying up. Apart from hauliers frustrated with the shipping lines, forwarders also join the club of those considering shipping lines, looking to impose haulage surcharges for cancellations and amendments into the UK, unfair. They argue that it puts the letter into a favorable position and enables them to generate vast profits while the rates continue to rise and everyone else in the industry is struggling. 

With increasing demand and tight capacity, experts expect the peak season to start earlier this year. Hence, cargo owners are being urged to book early. Even the large shippers have been impacted, so for now it seems like taking care of the pending orders in advance is the only reasonable alternative, especially if the forecasts are true and capacity limit along with high prices will extend beyond 2021. 

Another major milestone on the green frontier has happened with the initial reaction to the Fit For 55 Green Deal policy revision being evaluated as largely positive.  NGO Transport & Environment has welcomed the provision for green fuel use in aviation and maritime to cut emissions through the EU Emissions Trading System. Although it criticized the maritime element of the policy, it is still a major step towards sustainable development. There is also a mandate to increase the production and use of SAF. In turn, forwarders have called for an international standard on offsetting indirect emissions since there is no legislation on this matter yet and it is unclear to what extent the companies will commit to a new agenda. In addition, among the changes, there is a new Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism approved by the EU. It aims to put a carbon price on imports of a target selection of products to ensure that ambitious climate action in Europe does not lead to carbon leakage.

Western European rail has fallen victim to floods with the most affected areas in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. The damage on the tracks is already considerable, and, according to experts, it will take a while, even weeks, before traffic is back to normal. Despite the fact that in general rail has been portrayed as a promising sector, it has not managed to avoid the drawbacks of the pandemic. Although volumes returned to normal levels between March-May 2021 for infrastructure managers, this does not apply to their revenues. Specifically, their losses remain at approximately -10%.

However, the sombre picture for rails is not so discouraging for ADY Container, a subsidy of Azerbaijan Railways. Recently it has decided to extend its collaboration with Pasifik Eurasia by setting up a new project where ADY Containers will transport cargo from Azerbaijan to Turkey. After it, Pasifik Eurasia will carry it forward to Europe. It plays a significant role in keeping the BTK line active and increasing its volumes.

COSCO is up and thriving. The Red Sea Gateway Terminal has announced the completion of a 40% equity sale to the Public Investment Fund and COSCO Shipping Ports.  The investment in RSGT is aligned with PIF’s 2021-2025 strategy focusing on key priority sectors, including Transport and Logistics and capturing significant intra-Red Sea trans-shipment cargo volumes. Meanwhile, Hapag-Lloyd is not going to lose its position and closes the acquisition of Nile Dutch Investments B.V. planning to complete commercial integration by the end of 2021. The acquisition will strengthen Hapag-Lloyd’s position in West Africa.

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EU | UK news digest. 16 July
Asia | US news digest. 15 July

As contagious as COVID-19, congestions spill worldwide aiming at new targets – developing countries and low-margin businesses. 

The global congestion is on the roll. Recent data ranks the world’s main ports according to the most congested box spots among which are Hong Kong, Oakland, Savannah, Seattle, and Vancouver. In addition, experts have estimated that currently 10% of the world’s shipping capacity has been taken out due to port congestion issues. The famous Yantian’s congestion that has only recently been eased up continues shaking up the industry this time with schedule changes. It has also revealed such pain spots as the traffic situation and extra transfers between PRD terminals. 

Consequently, unsustainable container shipping prices significantly filter down through supply chains and as the result, most imported goods are expected to achieve sizeable increases in prices in the coming months. Apart from Brexit and COVID already impacting the market, experts warn about risks that will hit low-margin businesses in particular. The situation is devastating for all players, but the ones coming from developing countries suffer the most. For many of them, the tariffs are prohibitive and they cannot ship their products. Many countries are being sidelined as major shipping lines are not calling at their ports anymore. 

As the means of facilitating healthier competition and restricting the increased influence of big companies, the Federal Maritime Commission and the Department of Justice Antitrust Division have signed an interagency Memorandum of Understanding amid to increase cooperation on oversight of the ocean liner shipping industry. The step demonstrates the government’s intention to flip the tables and change the rules of the game towards a fairer environment. 

In a world where everything is interconnected, the devastating effect of one disruptor causes a domino effect for other facilities. The Port of Vancouver is continuing to suffer from the consequences of wildfires in British Columbia. Rail backlog at the port remains substantial. 

Trying to ease the export backlog, the Chittagong Port Authority uses its own methods – it has approved plying of four new feeder vessels in the Chittagong-Colombo route. In turn, Maersk has taken huge booking of containers although it has no feeder vessels in this route. 

Vietnam has been on the rise in terms of international trade, however, the shut down of Ho Chi Minh City that used to be one of the busiest harbors has become a major drawback. There is still good news – rail in Asia is doing well. Even with prices increased, it turns out to be the most reliable way to ship goods from Asia to Europe because of the efficient network.

Such industry giants as Maersk and COSCO continue conducting a rigorous policy – it is now planning to order up to a dozen 15,000 TEU methanol-fuelled container ships at Hyundai Heavy Industries. COSCO, ONE, Yang Ming follow suit and plan to kick off new sizable deals.

Good news commemorate air freight with FAA has finally extended the exemption which allows passenger aircraft to carry cargo in the cabin after years of Airlines for America members unsuccessfully requesting it. The positive change will contribute to the move on cargo capacity, which is extremely vital for the existing constraints.  

Evergreen Marine Corporation is on a mission to expand its fleet, including subsidiaries, by splashing out nearly $40m for 6,000 refrigerated containers from China. The move is planned to improve its competitiveness and bring it back on track after the crisis. 

Even such giants targeting mass consumption as Walmart join in the green agenda. It plans to add a pillar to its Project Gigaton effort to reduce supplier emissions that is focused specifically on transportation partners. Within the framework of the Project, it is expected to cumulatively avoid one billion metric tons of greenhouse gases in scope 3 emissions by 2030.

The US ports continue to set records in handling TEU. This time it is Port of Charleston that managed 2.55 million containers, representing a 10% increase from last year. For Port Houston, it has been a total of 292,627 TEUs for June.

Meanwhile, the Montreal Port Authority is preparing to expand its Contrecœur terminal. Its favorable industrial zoning and location near rail and highway access will enable the new facility to become an eco-friendly opportunity for private partners.

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Asia | US news digest. 15 July
Cargo transportation own transport

Taut and tilt 92m3. Cargo transportation own transport are from BY,RUS,AZ,GE to DE,BE,NL,FR,ES,PT,Dk,AT,SLO and back. #transport #cargotransportation #logistics

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Перевозки грузов собственным транспортом

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Перевозки грузов собственным транспортом
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