The Mid-Autumn Festival! I hope
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The Mid-Autumn Festival! I hope

The Mid-Autumn Festival! I hope the goods for a long time, thousands of miles to book the cabin ~ COSCO price cut! Shanghai - New York /SAV/ Norfolk WILL cut OFF THE order OF CONTAINER 7500 TOMORROW Yantian LA 9/14 CMA 3100$/40HQ 9 intercept SI Shanghai/Ningbo -LB/LA 9/14 No. 18 Shanghai/Ningbo -HOU/ Tampa/Mobile 9/11 /18 Ningbo-ny/Norfolk /SAV/ Boston 9/14 No. 25 Shanghai/Ningbo - Boston/New York/Savannah/Charleston 9/12 Shanghai - Miami 9/12 /10/2 Yantian -NY/SAV/ Charleston 9/14 /18 Shanghai/Ningbo/Yantian/Xiamen - Hamburg/Efford/Rotterdam 40HQ has every water COSCO has been supporting shipping reservations for years

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